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The Indian Police Service, much like the Indian Administrative Service, by virtue of its all-India character has become an important element and, even means, of national unity and integration. This was, indeed, the motive of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel when he had the formation of the IPS approved at a meeting of Chief Ministers soon after Independence. His exhortation to the police officers in 1950 is worth recalling:

“You are (therefore) writing the first chapter of the history of India. So you should write it in a manner that the future generations may remember you with respect and affection May God give you power and all that is required to build our country or Province in a manner which may bring honor and credit to you all"

Today, when the Indian Police Service personnel and other policemen, face the uneven and unprofessional pressures of democracy on their functioning, it is good for their morale to remind themselves, over and over again, of what Sardar Patel had given as an ideal to adopt -

"Do nothing that will bring dishonor to the uniform that you wear. Do nothing that may bring discredit to the flag that you salute; and it is upon your loyalty, upon your devotion to duty, upon your sincerity and upon your honesty that the reputation of the administration will depend"

It is essentially the pursuit of these noble aims, despite many a hurdle and hardship, that has created a bond of mutual regard and friendship amongst the members of the IPS. Not just amongst the officers, but their families too. And, further strengthened by the fact that many have to serve the motherland in areas far from their allotted state cadres and in unfriendly, often highly risk-prone environments alongside colleagues from other police formations. Unlike many countries, India can claim to have a National Police Force, despite each state having its own police force and Department, because the IPS keeps them together in a tangible and highly practical manner. There is a total unity of will and action in every national crisis

The coming together of the senior retired IPS officers in the Association of Retired Indian Police Service Officers is an extension of the espirit-de-corps amongst police officers. It represents a deeply-felt urge to maintain the fraternal links of official and social association while in service and to keep alive even on retirement the spirit of helping each other, a spirit which prevails in the police forces all over the country

On superannuation, the Is.G. and Ds.G of Police are blessed with physical fitness and mental alertness. The Association has been arranging lectures by scholars, politicians, journalists and administrators so as to get briefed on critical issues confronting India and its masses and. in turn, to expose the experts to the members’ views based on personal knowledge and depth of experience. The interaction has proved rewarding for both. Informal discussions on issues of deep concern to India are also arranged from time to time in smaller groups. The Association will inevitably add to its social activities, and contribute its intellectual effort, presently being projected through existing think-tanks, by having one of its own and by holding seminars on relevant topics of the day. There is so much talent amongst the members, that it cannot be hidden under a bushel.

The web-site that is being inaugurated will provide information about the Association and its programme of activities and the many intellectual and social development efforts that its members are making individually. They have retired from service, true, but they are very much alive in contributing to the public debate on issues of importance in politics, security, national integration and, of course, on policing and intelligence through the media. Quite a few are running social development programmes and magazines and journals. The web-site will disseminate information about all this so as to bring us all closer together and direct our energies to social and national purposes. The web-site today is just the beginning of many more ideas to follow.



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Last modified: January 20, 2004